
2021년 6월 29일 화요일

유네스코 공공도서관 선언 1949 Unesco Public Library Manifesto, 1949

Unesco Public Library Manifesto, 1949

PARIS, 16 May 1949








Unesco, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has been created by the will of 46 countries. Its aim is to promote peace and social and spiritual welfare by working through the minds of men. The creative. power of Unesco is the force of knowledge and international understanding. 

This manifesto, by describing the potentialities of the public library, proclaims Unesco's belief in the public library as a living force for popular education and for the growth of international understanding, and thereby for the promotion of peace.



*public library를 공공도서관公共圖書館으로 번역하고 있다. 올바른 번역일까? public의 의미는 무엇인가. 

A Democratic Agency for Education 

The public library is a product of modern democracy and a practical demonstration of democracy's faith in universal education as a life-long process. 

Though primarily intended to serve the educational needs of adults, the public library should also supplement the work of the schools in developing the reading tastes of children and young people, helping them to become adults who can use books with appreciation and profit.

As a democratic institution. operated by the people for the people, the public library should be: (인민에 의한, 인민을 위한, 민주적 기관

*of the people은 왜 빼어 놓았을까?

*인민에 의해 운영되는(operated by the people) 민주적 기관(a democratic institution)의 의미는 무엇인가.  

Established and maintained under clear authority of law. (법률에 의한 설치와 운영) 

Supported wholly or mainly from public funds. (경비의 전부 혹은 대부분을 공적인 비용으로 지원) 

Open for free use on equal terms to all members of the community, regardless of occupation, creed, class or race. (무료 이용, 직업, 신념, 계급, 인종의 한계를 극복하여, 지역사회의 모든 구성원을 대상으로 하는 평등한 서비스, )


What the Public Library should offer 

The complete public library should provide: 

Books, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, maps, pictures, films, music scores and recordings, - and give guidance in their use. 

The public library should offer children, young people, men and women opportunity and encouragement:

To educate themselves continuously. 

To keep abreast of progress in all fields of knowledge. 

To maintain freedom of expression and a constructively critical attitude towards all public issues.

To be better social and political citizens of their country and of the world. 

To be more efficient in their day-to-day activities. 

To develop their creative capacities and powers of appreciation in arts and letters. 

To aid generally in the advancement of knowledge. 

To use their leisure time to promote personal happiness and social well-being. 


A vital community force 

The public library should be active and positive in its policy and a dynamic part of community life. 

It should not tell people what to think, but it should help them decide what to think about. 

The spotlight should be thrown on significant issues by exhibitions, booklists, discussions, lectures, courses, films and individual reading guidance. 

Reading interests should be stimulated and the library's services publicized through a well-planned continuous public relations programme. 

The public library should link its activities with the work of other educational, cultural and social agencies - the schools, universities, museums, labour unions, study clubs, adult education groups, etc. It should also co-operate with other libraries in the loan of publications and with library associations for the advancement of public librarianship. 

The books in the library should be made accessible on open shelves and by use of efficient technical processes; and the library's services should be brought close to the homes end work places of the people by means of branches and mobile units.


The People's University 

With a well-trained, resourceful and imaginative staff, an adequate budget and public support, a public library can become what it should be - a university of the people offering a liberal education to all comers. 

Citizens of a democracy have need of such opportunities for self-education at all times. The complexity and instability of life today make the need an urgent one.


What you can do

This manifesto has described the potentialities of the public library as an agency for popular education. Obviously it is to your great personal advantage to have these potentialities realized in your community. What can you do to help?


If your community does not have public library services: 

Interest your friends and neighbours and local_ organizations in obtaining such service.

Ask your national library association or Ministry of Education what steps you should take to get public library service.

Follow through on the action recommended.


If your community now has a public library: 

Get acquainted with the librarian.

Find out what services are offered.

Use these services.

Work with the librarian to promote local support and demand for the standard of service endorsed in this manifesto.