
2022년 11월 23일 수요일

마쓰이 다다시(松居直, 1926년 10월 5일~2022년 11월 2일) 선생

마쓰이 다다시(松居直, 1926년 10월 5일~2022년 11월 2일) 선생이 돌아가셨다는 소식을 들었습니다. 향년 96세.

마쓰이 씨는 '일본 그림책의 아버지'라고 일컬어지는 분입니다. 일본 어린이책 출판사인 후쿠이칸쇼텐(福音館書店, ふくいんかんしょてん, https://www.fukuinkan.co.jp/)의 초석을 다진 인물입니다. 1953년 어린이를 키우는 사람들을 응원하는 월간지 <엄마의 친구母の友>를 창간하였고, 1956년 어린이들의 자유로운 발상을 북돋기 위해 한 권의 책 안에 하나의 이야기를 담고자 했던 <어린이의 벗こどものとも>도 창간하여 일본의 그림책 문화에 완전히 새로운 바람을 불어 넣었습니다. 1968년에 후쿠이칸쇼텐의 사장이 되었고, 1985년에 회장이 되었습니다. 아동문학가로서도 여러 대학에서 강의하며 저서를 펴내었습니다. 한국어로는 <어린이그림책의 세계>(이상금 옮김) <어린이와 그림책>(이상금 옮김) <그림책의 힘>(공저, 햇살과나무꾼 옮김)이 소개되어 있습니다. 엔피오 북스타트 NPO ブックスタート 와 오사카 국제아동문학관大阪国際児童文学館(https://www.library.pref.osaka.jp/site/jibunkan/)의 이사장을 역임하기도 하였습니다. 고인의 명복을 빕니다.

마쓰이 선생은 북스타트에 대해 이렇게 말씀하였다고 합니다.
"북스타트는 그림책을 보급하기 위한 활동이 아닙니다. 말의 세계 그 자체인 그림책으로 행복하게! '라는 생각과 말을 더해 건네주고, 함께 살기를 바라는 것입니다. 아이의 삶의 출발점에서 "기쁨을 함께한다"라는 경험을 제공하는 것입니다. 북스타트는 앞으로의 시대에도 이것에 힘을 다해야 한다고 생각합니다."

2022년 11월 21일 월요일

<도서관: 진짜 고된 일, 사서를 위한 작은 전투 사전과 공공 독서의 방어 Bibliothèques : un vrai travail de fourmis! Petit dictionnaire militant pour bibliothécaires et la défense de la lecture publique>

프랑스 파리의 노동조합연맹SUD CT이 2022년 11월 8일 펴낸 52쪽짜리 작은 사전, <도서관: 진짜 고된 일, 사서를 위한 작은 전투 사전과 공공 독서의 방어 Bibliothèques : un vrai travail de fourmis! Petit dictionnaire militant pour bibliothécaires et la défense de la lecture publique>.

이 작은 사전은 획득Acquisitions부터 이용자Usagers et usagères에 이르기까지 도서관의 핵심적인 업무 관련 용어를 알파벳 순서대로 설명하면서, 각 항목과 관련된 특정한 문제적 상황을 설명하고 있습니다. 프랑스 파리 노동조합연맹의 도서관에 대한 시각을 살펴볼 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 일요일 근무le travail du dimanche, 근무시간 연장Extension des horaires d'ouverture 항목 등.
“돈의 논리가 인간의 활동과 천연 자원을 통제하는 사회에서 우리는 민주주의la démocratie, 지식la connaissance, 해방l’émancipation을 보장하는 기관의 일꾼으로서 시민을 위해 일차적인 역할을 다합니다. 도서관은 어떠한 정치적, 종교적, 경제적 압력으로부터 독립적이며, 자유롭게 책을 읽을 수 있는 서비스를 지속적으로 보장하기 위해 투쟁합니다.”



2022년 11월 7일 월요일


ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination. We do this by working on two interlocking freedoms: the Freedom to Speak, and the Freedom to Know. When either of these freedoms come under threat, ARTICLE 19 speaks with one voice. 


Booktrust 북트러스트의 보도자료, 영국예술위원회의 기금, 2022년 11월 4일, Diana Gerald




www.booktrust.org.uk | @BookTrust | #Booktrust |

LEEDS, 4th November 2022: BookTrust, Britain’s biggest children’s reading charity, has secured £17.3m funding from Arts Council England (ACE) over 3 years to help transform the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable children through supporting them on their reading journey. 

The charity, which works with millions of children in every local authority in the country, has become one of ACE’s National Portfolio Organisations in recognition of the vital role that a regular reading habit plays in boosting creativity. The ACE funding will allow BookTrust to continue to work at scale to transform the lives of children and families. 

BookTrust’s new status as an NPO is an endorsement of the transformative power of reading and an investment in the creative development of young people. Research shows that children who read regularly, and by choice, achieve greater social mobility and score higher on measures of creativity, empathy, school attainment and mental wellbeing. 

The funding from ACE will enable BookTrust to continue its BookStart Baby programme, which provides books for every new-born in the country, and to work with low-income families and children in care to nurture a regular reading habit. Its Early Years Bookstart programme will reach 425,000 low-income families with books, activity resources and tips. 

With a new strategy that has a strong focus on supporting the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children across the UK, BookTrust’s research-backed programmes are delivered through local charities, children’s centres, libraries and schools across the country. BookTrust will create opportunities for more targeted interventions at different stages of a child’s development, to increase their access to support that is designed to ignite a love of reading that will benefit them for the rest of their life. 

BookTrust’s programmes are informed by extensive research on the interventions, resources and support that are most effective for establishing regular reading habits. As a learning organisation, BookTrust will continue to test, pilot, and refine new approaches for putting its research into practice and developing new insights that will benefit children’s lives. 

Diana Gerald, CEO of BookTrust, says: ‘I am delighted that this grant will enable BookTrust to continue to foster a love of reading in millions of children up and down the country in the coming years. We know that there are lifelong benefits from becoming a regular reader and that it is never too early to start. This investment in the futures of our children and in their imaginations is more vital than ever as families face bleak winters and tough spending choices.’



Press Contact 

Please contact our press office for further information and interviews

requests: press@booktrust.org.uk 

Images available upon request

About BookTrust 

BookTrust is dedicated to getting children reading because we know that children who read are happier, healthier, more empathetic and more creative. Their early language development is supported and they also do better at school. We are the UK’s largest children’s reading charity; each year we reach more than 2 million children across the UK with books, resources and support to help develop a love of reading, BookTrust’s work is closely informed by proprietary and 3rd party research on reading and family behaviour. Our Patron is HRH The Queen Consort and our President is the children’s author Sir Michael Morpurgo OBE booktrust.org.uk. 

출처 https://cdn.booktrust.org.uk/globalassets/resources/press-releases/2022/booktrust-awarded-17.3m-and-recognised-as-national-portfolio-organisation-by-arts-council-england.pdf?_gl=1*3ugrc3*_ga*NDQwMDk2ODE3LjE2Njc3ODA1OTA.*_ga_42ZTZWFX8W*MTY2Nzc4MDU5MC4xLjAuMTY2Nzc4MDU5MC4wLjAuMA..

Martha Hickson의 CNN 칼럼, 2022년 10월 31일, 미국 학교도서관, 검열반대 운동

 Martha HicksonCNN 칼럼, 20221031, 미국 학교도서관, 검열반대 운동 


Editor’s Note: This essay is part of the CNN Opinion series “America’s Future Starts Now,” in which people share how they have been affected by the biggest issues facing the nation and experts offer their proposed solutions. Martha Hickson is the recipient of the American Library Association’s 2022 Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity and the National Coalition Against Censorship’s Outstanding Librarian Award for her work defending the right to read. The opinions expressed in this commentary are her own. Read more opinion at CNN. 


In September 2021, protesters ambushed the board meeting of the New Jersey school district where I have worked as a high school librarian since 2005. The protesters railed against “Gender Queer,” a memoir in graphic novel form by Maia Kobabe, and “Lawn Boy,” a coming-of-age novel by Jonathan Evison. They spewed selected sentences from the Evison book, while brandishing isolated images from Kobabe’s. 

Next, they attacked Banned Books Week, an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. The protesters characterized it as a nefarious plot to lure kids to degradation. 

But the real sucker punch came when one protester branded me a pedophile, pornographer and groomer of children. After a successful career, with retirement on the horizon, to be cast as a villain was heartbreaking. 

Even worse was the response from my employer crickets. The board sat in silence that night, and for the next five months refused to utter a word in my defense. 

For months now, news broadcasts and social media have featured scenes of once-sedate board of education meetings now as action-packed as professional wrestling matches. Parents, faces red with wrath, scream in objection to library books. Often their outrage includes trash talk about librarians and board members. 

These smackdowns aren’t isolated incidents. In a coordinated campaign, groups with extreme agendas have attacked libraries nationwide. Between January and August of this year, the American Library Association recorded 681 challenges against 1,651 books, setting a pace to shatter last year’s record 729 challenges. 

For me, these aren’t just statistics, but the scorecard for the worst year of my working life. 

The protesters eventually filed formal challenges against five books, all with LGBTQ+ themes, labeling them pornographic: “Gender Queer,” “Lawn Boy,” “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson, “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel and “This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson. 

Amid the controversy, some colleagues shunned me. Students who were allied with the protesters hid books about gender and sexuality. Hate mail arrived at my school email address, while trolls attacked me on social media. The protesters even attempted to file criminal charges with local law enforcement. 

The library that served as a safe space for students now felt unsafe for me. Yet I continued to plug away, teaching information literacy classes, creating programs, and consulting with students until October of last year, when I experienced what I now know was a stress-induced collapse. When I saw my personal physician the next day, she ordered my removal from the workplace, prescribed anxiety medication and referred me to a therapist. 

The first few weeks of therapy were difficult. Despair consumed me to the point that when the therapist asked, “Have you had thoughts about killing yourself?” I tearfully admitted that I went to bed nightly wishing that I wouldn’t wake up. 

The suffering was not mine alone. Under normal conditions, our library provides a calming oasis for students. Beyond books and research resources, we offer relaxing activities and a soothing atmosphere that satisfies students’ social and emotional needs. While I was under attack, however, the library program languished. No new books, no displays, no craft projects, no research instruction, no librarian for a friendly chat. 

Counselors later reported that students expressed fear for my welfare. Worst of all, LGBTQ+ students endured increased slurs, intimidation and even death threats from bullies emboldened by the behavior of intolerant parents. 

Throughout the stand-off, book banners claimed, “It’s not a ban. The books are still available at the public library or Amazon.” But the kid with questions about gender or sexuality may not have transportation to the library and likely doesn’t have a credit card for online ordering. And for teens living in a home hostile to gender or sexual diversity, the school library may be the only safe space to explore these topics and develop the vocabulary for deeper conversations. 

That’s why, when I returned to work, I remained determined as ever to save the books. 

A reconsideration committee had begun meeting to evaluate each title. Hundreds of supportive community members, including dozens of students, had flocked to the October and November board meetings to take down the book banners. By January, the reconsideration committee had submitted its report to the board, which voted to retain all five books. 

The four-month grudge match had cost the district thousands of dollars in meeting time and salaries by my estimate, distressed vulnerable students, ruptured professional ties, robbed me of my health and created a fissure within the community that has yet to heal. In fact, three of the protesters are now running for board seats, further dividing the community. 

Although the board delivered a terse statement in February confirming that the claims against me were “unfounded,” relationships with administrators remain tense. My motivation has ebbed. I’m no longer willing to go above and beyond for an organization that wouldn’t provide basic protections for me. 

In the broader context, though, I’m lucky. Colleagues around the country are grappling with far worse. Suzette Baker, a public librarian in Texas, says she lost her job after refusing her manager’s order to remove LGBTQ+ books. Amanda Jones, a Louisiana school librarian, filed a defamation suit to stop the online harassment leveled against her after she spoke out against censorship. And the Patmos Library in Jamestown Township, Michigan lost its tax funding over its inclusion of LGBTQ+ titles. It’s no wonder that authors’ advocacy group PEN America calls the current educational climate the “Ed Scare.” 

The allusion to the McCarthy era’s Red Scare is apt. As then, the current censorship wave is accompanied by legislation designed to restrict access to information. In its recent “Educational Gag Orders” report, PEN America found that between January and September, 24 state legislatures introduced 54 restrictive bills, the majority of which “target discussions of race, racism, gender, and American history” in K-12 schools, public universities and workplaces. 

Despite the nationwide sweep of censorship, a September EveryLibrary Institute survey found that the “overwhelming majority of voters strongly oppose book banning.” 

To quell the intellectual insurrection, that mainstream majority must take a stand: 

1. Join UniteAgainstBookBans.org, an anti-censorship coalition launched by the American Library Association. 

2. Show up and speak up at board of education and public library board meetings. 

3. Donate to organizations that defend the right to read. 

4. Vote for candidates who oppose censorship, when board of education seats are on the ballot. 

Sitting on the sidelines and sympathizing with lambasted librarians is not enough. Community members must take action to pin book banners to the mat. Otherwise, the First Amendment will be down for the count.

2022년 11월 1일 화요일

제9회 대한민국 독서경영 우수 직장 인증제 심사평, 서울경제 2022년 10월 27일

[독서경영-심사평]"책과 거리 좁힌 회사들해당 분야서 성과 뚜렷"

안찬수 책읽는사회문화재단 상임이사 

독서경영 우수 직장 인증제가 올해로 9회째를 맞이했습니다. 독서경영 심사 현장을 방문했을 때 많은 기업·기관·단체들이 어려운 경영 환경 속에서도 독서경영을 실행하는 열정과 노력을 지속해 나가고 있다는 점에 큰 감동을 받았습니다. 차별적이고 혁신적인 방식으로 독서경영을 추진하는 곳들은 각 분야에서 뚜렷한 경영 성과를 거두고 있다는 점을 확인할 수 있었습니다. 

이들은 독서경영을 통해 구성원들의 능력 향상을 꾀하고 조직의 소통을 더욱 활발하게 하면서 더 나은 제품 생산과 서비스 개발을 위해 노력하고 있었습니다. 독서경영을 하나의 문화로 정착시킨 기업·기관·단체 들은 모두 그 분야를 선도해나가는 곳이라고 할 수 있었습니다. 

올해 심사도 예년과 마찬가지로 인증제의 심사 준비와 절차 등이 정교하고 신중하게 이루어졌습니다. 독서계, 경제 경영계 분야의 전문가 분들로 심사위원회를 구성하여 공정하게 심사가 이루어질 수 있도록 했습니다. 인증을 신청한 신규 기관에 대해서는 현장 확인을 통해 검증했습니다. 1차 서류심사, 2차 현장심사, 그리고 3차 최종심사 과정을 거쳐 심층적인 심사가 되도록 노력했습니다.

독서경영은 단순히 구성원 개인의 역량을 강화하는 수준에서 벗어나 조직의 경쟁력을 강화하는 경영전략 역할을 하고 있습니다. 이런 차원에서 대한민국 독서경영 우수 직장 인증제는 분명히 하나의 정책과 제도로써 뿌리를 내렸고, 대한민국 발전을 위해 꼭 필요하다는 것을 강조해서 말씀드립니다. 마지막으로 이번에 대상과 최우수상, 우수상을 수상하신 기관과 인증을 받으신 기관에 축하 말씀을 드립니다. 

출처 : https://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/26CIIN8MZZ