
2021년 2월 9일 화요일

엘리자베스 콜버트, 여섯번째 멸종, 하얀 하늘 아래--미래의 자연

Elizabeth Kolbert's new book Under A White Sky: The Nature of the Future

Elizabeth Kolbert has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1999. Previously, she worked at the Times, where she wrote the Metro Matters column and served as the paper’s Albany bureau chief. Her three-part series on global warming, “The Climate of Man,” won the 2006 National Magazine Award for Public Interest. In 2010, she received the National Magazine Award for Reviews and Criticism. She is the editor of “The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2009” and the author of “The Prophet of Love: And Other Tales of Power and Deceit,” “Field Notes from a Catastrophe,” and “The Sixth Extinction,” for which she won the Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction in 2015. She received the Blake-Dodd Prize, from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, in 2017. Her latest book is “Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future.”

this new Anthropocene Earth:

"People have, by now, di­rectly transformed more than half the ice-free land on earth some twenty-seven million square miles and indirectly half of what remains. We have dammed or diverted most of the world's major rivers. Our fertilizer plants and legume crops fix more ni­trogen than all terrestrial ecosystems combined, and our planes, cars, and power stations emit about a hundred times more car­bon dioxide than volcanoes do. ...hu­mans and livestock outweigh all vertebrates combined, with the exception of fish. In the age of man, there is nowhere to go, and this includes the deepest trenches of the oceans and the middle of the Antarctic ice sheet, that does not already bear our Friday-like footprints."

베티 프리단, 여성성의 신화(1963)

 Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique(1963)

“problem that has no name?” 

“The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States.”


While The Feminine Mystique spoke bold truth to white, college-educated, middle-class women, keeping house and raising children and dealing with a lack of fulfillment, it didn’t recognize the circumstances of other women. Black and LGBTQ feminists in the movement were largely absent from the pages of The Feminine Mystique and in her later work as a leading activist, prominent members of the feminist movement would come to clash with her beliefs and her quick temper. She would be criticized for moderate views amid a changing environment.


Historian and Smith College professor emeritus Daniel Horowitz, who authored the 1998 Betty Friedan and the Making of The Feminine Mystique: The American Left, the Cold War, and Modern Feminism also contextualizes the book at a time when other works were examining the restlessness of suburban life.


해제 : 베티 프리단, 우리를 출발선에 다시 세우다-정희진
10주년 기념판 서문 : 새로운 길 위에 있는 우리 모두에게 용기를
개정판 서문 : 두 세대 뒤의 변화한 풍경

들어가는 말
01 이름 붙일 수 없는 문제들
02 더없이 ‘행복한’ 주부의 등장
03 위기에 처한 여성들의 정체성
04 페미니스트들의 열정적인 여행
05 프로이트가 여성에게 끼친 영향
06 기능주의의 함정, 여성성 주장 그리고 마거릿 미드
07 여성성을 주입하다
08 잘못된 선택의 결과
09 여성을 노리는 상술
10 집안일은 왜 끝이 나지 않을까?
11 성관계에 집착하는 사람들
12 가정이라는 이름의 안락한 포로수용소
13 박탈당한 자아
14 여성들의 새로운 인생을 계획하기 위하여

나오는 말
애나 퀸들런의 후기
출간 50주년을 축하하며
옮긴이의 말

인도 농민 시위 현장의 도서관--항의와 저항과 주장의 도서관

protest site libraries

Walls and streets of Jamia Millia Islamia and Shaheen Bagh protest site exploded with creativity as students and artists camped their and experimented with ideas.

One of the most distinctive contributions of the Shaheen Bagh movement was the introduction of a ‘protest site library’. The idea of a ‘protest library’ came up during the Occupy Wall street protest, one of the largest popular demonstrations in the United States. Occupy protesters erected a tent and established a ‘People’s Library’ in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park in November 2011.

Since then, the concept of a ‘People’s Library’ captured the imagination of protesters all across the world. It travelled to Gezi Park in Istanbul in 2013 when people resisted the commercialisation of public spaces. Make-shift libraries cropped up in different parts of Spain during the anti-austerity 15-M movement (2011-15) and then it travelled to Hong Kong during the pro-democracy movement there.

the protest-site libraries stand as proof that these people are not ‘uneducated folks’ or are suffering from ‘sheep-like mentality’. Rather, they are mature enough to develop a concrete socio-economic-political understanding and act upon it.

These libraries are also a critique of the creeping anti-intellectualism in Indian society after the rise of Hindutva forces. In an age of (dis)information, when people become experts on different subjects by just scrolling through smartphones, these libraries containing books on varied subjects reclaim the importance of serious pursuit of knowledge. They are symbols of assertion against the attack on social science and humanities by the right-wing forces who always like to distort history as well as the present, to suit their diabolical agenda. The more people read serious works, the more they are shielded against the propaganda of the ruling party.

Protest-site libraries also democratize the very idea of learning, which is limited to elite space of university campuses, academia and think-tanks. The increasing price of books and arduous academic language keeps away a very big section of population away from a deeper knowledge of history, philosophy, political science etc. Protests site libraries have an important role in bringing books close to people. It helps in broader dissemination of ideas and information in a more conducive environment, where people can actually relate with the thoughts and struggles of Bhagat Singh, Che Guevara, Ambedkar and other revolutionary activists and thinkers.


마음의 철학자, 키에르케고어

 Philosopher of the Heart

The Restless Life of Søren Kierkegaard
Clare Carlisle

앨빈 토플러, 미래 쇼크 Future Shock 50년, 그런데

앨빈 토플러Alvin Toffler

미래 쇼크  Future Shock,  published in July 1970

50년, 그런데....

pop futurism, 

corporate futurism, futures business 

the PowerPoint prophecies of TED Talk culture 

John Naisbitt’s Megatrends

Faith Popcorn’s Popcorn Report (1991)

Ray Kurzweil’s The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999)

Michio Kaku’s Physics of the Future (2011)

one minute city Sweden



one minute city Sweden

It’s the hyperlocal version of the 15-minute city, the concept—now being implemented in Paris—that it should be possible for people living in an urban neighborhood to reach their daily needs, from grocery shopping to work or school, within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. The idea of the one-minute city isn’t quite as literal: It doesn’t mean that everything you need is on one block. But it demonstrates how streets might transform within neighborhoods where walking and cycling are prioritized over driving.

Daniel Byström, project manager at ArkDes Think Tank, said via email. ArkDes is a national agency that focuses on sustainable urban design, which partnered on the project with Vinnova, the Swedish national innovation agency.

Working with designers, ArkDes created a set of wooden street furniture called Street Moves that can fit inside standard parking spots to create benches for parklets or parking for bikes and scooters (a long list of other designs will soon be added to the kit, from bird boxes to greenhouses, community meeting spaces, and drop-off points for e-commerce deliveries). 

The changes are a part of Sweden’s plan to get to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045; nine Swedish cities are aiming to get to net zero emissions by 2030.



While the “15-minute city” model promotes neighborhood-level urban planning, Sweden is pursuing a hyper-local twist: a scheme to redesign every street in the nation.  


2021년 2월 7일 일요일

레나 마프 Léna Mahfouf, + = +, Toujours plus

 + = +

"Le positif attire le positif"

Toujours plus est le titre de son livre qu’elle sort demain (1). Pas une biographie, «ce serait présomptueux à mon âge», mais un ouvrage de développement personnel qui donne des clés sur la confiance en soi. Connaître ses forces, ses faiblesses, apprendre à gérer son temps, s’accepter et accepter les autres, rebondir après une rupture… Du haut de ses 22 ans, cette girlboss maîtrise tous ces sujets. Léna attribue d’ailleurs sa réussite à une équation qui l’a rendue célèbre auprès de ses fans. Son fameux + = + , un slogan qu’elle imprime sur les tee-shirts qu’elle cocrée avec la marque Jennyfer et qu’elle suit à la lettre. «C’est une formule que j’écrivais sur mes brouillons de bac, explique-t-elle, et qui veut dire "vas-y à fond" car le positif attire le positif.»


해적판과 출판, 로버트 단턴

 Pirating and Publishing: The Book Trade in the Age of Enlightenment by Robert Darnton. Copyright © 2021 by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.