2013년 7월 19일 금요일

렘 쿨하스의 BMVR (Bibliothèque Multimédia à Vocation Régionale)

OMA library france
Building on the phenomenal success of the Central Branch of the Seattle Public Library and the recent news that they will design the Qatar National Library Rem Koolhaas and his team at OMA now set their sites on the BMVR (Bibliothèque Multimédia à Vocation Régionale) Library in northern France.
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Shaped as an “X”, with each of the four wings facing toward one of the city’s four landmarks. The library’s 150,000 volumes will be distributed  to one of the wings:
arts to the northeast, science and technology to the northwest, humanities to the southeast, and literature to the southwest.
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“This library is a symbol of the lateral thinking of the 21st century..Its form is based on an almost primitive action: two lines crossing, generating a centrality which groups four polarities. It is an agora of ideas, a place that might reinforce the role of books in an increasingly digitized world.” says Clement Blanchet, the project lead from OMA.
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The library plans to open in early 2016.

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