2011년 1월 5일 수요일

디지털시대의 도서관 기능

<허핑턴포스트> 2011년 1월 3일자 기사, 소니 사의 디지털독서사업부 대표인 스티브 헤이버( Steve Haber)의 글, The Changing Role of Libraries in the Digital Age. 

-the library must continue to play a central role in providing open and free access to information and ideas.

-Exactly what that role looks like is the subject of much debate and many differing perspectives. Some believe libraries will shift into learning and information centers while others insist they will maintain their role as a physical location for cataloging and loaning books -- in addition to housing sources of information technology.

-Regardless of its exact nature, technology will play an increasing role in shaping our future libraries.

-While there are several different views on the future of libraries, we believe that digital reading will be at the core of libraries, regardless of how they grow and evolve.

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