2014년 2월 23일 일요일

Infographic: Top Ten Reasons for Choosing a Paper Book over an eBook

A cursory glance at the statistics for the US ebook market will tell you most people are sticking with paper, and there’s a good reason for that. As the following infographic will show you, paper books fill many uses which ebooks cannot.
The infographic is based on a poll conducted recently by Fatbrain, a UK-based used book marketplace. Over 1,000 Fatbrain users responded, and they revealed that the most popular reason for staying with paper reflected their emotional attachment, and not any practical use.
However, right behind there are two down-to-earth reasons: learning (61%), and sharing (58%), and those are 2 answers that I can fully understand. Paper textbooks are still more useful that digital textbooks; even I will say that.
Top-reasons-to-choose-a-print-book-infographic[1]출처 http://www.the-digital-reader.com/2014/02/18/infographic-top-ten-reasons-choosing-paper-book-ebook/#.Uwn5fuN_vC_

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