2018년 7월 22일 일요일

아이들을 책벌레로 키우고 싶다면 부모님이 먼저 독서를 하라

아이들을 책벌레로 키우고 싶다면 부모님이 먼저 독서를 하라
If you want to bring up a bookworm, get reading yourselves
영국의 독서단체인 리딩 에이전시’(Reading Agency, https://readingagency.org.uk/)의 대표인 수 윌킨슨(Sue Wilkinson)은 여름방학 독서 권장 프로그램인 여름독서’(Summer Reading)를 시작하면서, 아이들을 책벌레로 키우고 싶다면, 부모님이 먼저 독서를 하라고 권합니다. 지당하신 말씀!
수 윌킨슨은 여름 방학 동안 책을 읽지 않은 아이들은 개학이 되어 다시 학교를 다닐 때 독서 격차’(reading dip)로 고통 받을 확률이 높다고 지적하면서 "가장 중요한 것은 어린이가 스스로 책을 선택하는 것입니다. 이것은 선택의 자유와 거기서 오는 힘에 관한 것입니다"라고 말했습니다.
여름독서 프로그램은 올해로 20년 된 프로그램이며, 아이들이 방학 동안 6권의 책을 읽도록 권하고 있습니다. 작년에는 76만 명이 넘는 어린이들이 참가했다고 합니다.
이브닝 스탠더드Evening Standard’ 2018719일자, 애나 데이비스 교육에디터Anna Davis Education Editor의 보도 참조 https://goo.gl/qMjuB1

If you want to bring up a bookworm, get reading yourselves, parents told
Evening Standard - West End Final19 Jul 2018Anna Davis Education Editor

Pile ’em high: Sue Wilkinson wants adults to pick up books
PARENTS who want their children to read this summer must “practise what they preach” and pick up a book themselves, the head of a leading literacy charity has urged.

Sue Wilkinson, chief executive of the Reading Agency, said children who fail to read during the summer holidays are more likely to suffer from a “reading dip” when they go back to school.

However, if they see their parents enjoying a good book they are much more likely to do so themselves.

She said: “Adults say to me, ‘I can’t get my child to read’, and I say, ‘Do they ever see you read?’ If they see you reading a newspaper or magazine, or laughing at something you are reading, they will see reading as something that happens in their world. It is really important. I would say to parents you need to practise what you preach.”

Mrs Wilkinson urged parents to let children choose their own book and let them give up if they are not enjoying it.

Her comments come at the start of Summer Reading

Challenge, a national programme in its 20th year, which encourages children to read six books in the school holidays.

Children can register for the challenge at their library. They record what they have read and collect stickers and a certificate when they complete the challenge. Last year more than 760,000 children took part.

Mrs Wilkinson said: “The most important thing is that the child chooses the book — it is about that freedom to choose and the power that comes with that. All books in the children’s section have been screened by librar- ians so you are completely safe. If they don’t like it they should move on and read something else. Don’t make this into something children don’t like.”

She added: “We know that if children keep reading during the summer holidays they will come back to school with reading levels the same or better.”

The Reading Agency runs a similar programme to encourage adults to read, called Reading Ahead. Libraries, colleges, workplaces and prisons are encouraging adults to read six books and record, rate and review them in a diary to get a certificate.

Mrs Wilkinson said: “We know of the importance of developing adults’ reading skills to help them develop their own lives, but also because it makes them a role model for children.”

출처 https://goo.gl/qMjuB1

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