2012년 10월 26일 금요일

ALSC’s Great Websites for Kids expands

미국도서관협회, 어린이서비스분과에서 발표한, 어린이를 위한 위대한 누리집(웹사이트) 확장판. 참고해볼 만한 정보라고 생각된다.

For Immediate Release
October 23, 2012
Contact: Laura Schulte-Cooper

ALSC’s Great Websites for Kids expands

CHICAGO —The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association, has added more outstanding websites to Great Websites for Kids, its online resource containing hundreds of links to exceptional websites for children.
The newly added sites are:

Chess Kid - www.chesskid.com/
Eyes on the Solar System - http://eyes.nasa.gov/index.html
Fraboom - www.fraboom.com/
Money As You Grow - www.moneyasyougrow.org/
Olympic: The Official Website of the Olympic Movement - www.olympic.org/
Poisson Rouge - www.poissonrouge.com/
The Brown Bookshelf - www.thebrownbookshelf.com/
The Science Kids - www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts.html

"This list features a mix of fun educational sites for children and their caregivers particularly in the areas of science, sports, money management, children’s literature and games," said Kimberly Grad, Library Information Supervisor, Brooklyn (N.Y.) Public Library, and Denise Vallandingham, Youth Services Manager, Boone County (Ky.) Public Library, co-chairs of ALSC’s Great Websites for Kids Committee.

Great Web Sites for Kids (GWS) features links to websites of interest to children 14 years of age and younger, organized into diverse subject headings such as animals and dinosaurs; games and entertainment; history and science; art and music; and much more. There is also a special section with sites of interest to parents, caregivers and teachers. Each site entry includes a brief annotation and a grade-level rating.

Members of the ALSC GWS Committee review potential sites for inclusion and vote on the sites to be included. They also regularly check the entire site to ensure currency and re-evaluate sites when necessary.

Members of the 2012 Great Websites for Kids Committee are Kimberly Grad, Brooklyn (N.Y.) Public Library, co-chair; Denise Vallandingham, Boone County (Ky.) Public Library, co-chair; Laurie Chudzinski, Houghton Lake (Mich.) Public Library; Lara Crews, Forsyth County (N.C.) Public Library; Brandon Hines, Hays (Kan.) Public Library; Suzanne Kovach, Harford County (Md.) Public Library; Susan Kusel, Arlington, Va.; John E. Peters, Bronx, N.Y.; and Amanda Sharpe, Harper Junior High School Library, Davis, Calif.
The complete listing of recommended great sites with annotations and selection criteria can be found at http://greatsites.ala.org.

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