2020년 3월 28일 토요일

코로나19와 미국, 패권 종말, 초강대국의 지위 상실/ 패트릭 콕번 Patrick Cockburn

코로나19와 미국, 패권 종말, 초강대국의 지위 상실/ 패트릭 콕번 Patrick Cockburn
The US is losing its world superpower status due to its failure to lead on the Covid-19 crisis and this time, it might not recover
코로나 바이러스 전염병이 보여주는 것처럼, 미국 패권의 종말은 경제 및 군사력과는 관련이 없다.
As exemplified by the coronavirus pandemic, the end of US hegemony is less to do with economics and military strength and everything to do with Trump’s inability to cope with a real global crisis
영국 제국과 수에즈 운하(1956), 소련과 아프카니스탄(1980년대), 미국과 코로나19 사태(2020)
-British Empire, the Soviet Union in the recent past or the US today, depend on a degree of bluff. They cannot afford to put their all-powerful image to the test too often because they cannot be seen to fail: an exaggerated picture of British strength was shattered by the Suez Crisis in 1956, as was that of the Soviet Union by the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
미국의 쇠퇴와 중국의 부상
-The decline of the US is usually seen as the counterpart to the rise of China and China has, at least for the moment, successfully got a grip on its own epidemic. It is the Chinese who are sending ventilators and medical teams to Italy and face masks to Africa. Italians note that the other EU states all ignored Italy’s desperate appeal for medical equipment and only China responded.
미국 쇠퇴의 원인이자 현상인 트럼프
-But these arguments about the rise or decline of the US as an economic and military power miss a more important point that should be obvious. The very real decline of the US as a global power, as exemplified by the coronavirus pandemic crisis, has less to do with guns and money than many suppose, and much more to do with Trump himself as both the symptom and cause of American decline.
이제 미국을 모방하고 따르고자 하는 이들은 권위주의적 대중선동가가 아니면 폭군의 경향이 있을 뿐.
-Put simply, the US is no longer a country that the rest of the world wants to emulate or, if they do, the emulators tend to be authoritarian nativist demagogues or despots. 

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