2020년 4월 1일 수요일

우주로 1216/OOZOORO 1216

우주로 1216/OOZOORO 1216
written by Suh Min W., Ji Jungwoo@지정우 × Kim Yeram
photographed by Park Youngchae
materials provided by EUS+ Architects
This cultural consensus to generate areas for the younger generation has led architects to participate in creating new design and education programmes. OOZOORO 1216, a library for the tween generation and the focus of this article, is one such example. A tweenager’ is a neologism that amalgamates ‘teenager’ and ‘between’, to denote preteen and teenage adolescents in upper levels of elementary school to middle school. The project was conducted not through the conventional bidding system, but as a private-public partnership. The city government of Jeonju provided the physical space, while the Book Culture Foundation supplied funding, and the venture philanthropy fund, C Program, helped to organise a coherent effort. C Program invited experts from various fields, and charged Suh Min W.and Ji Jungwoo with design of the library. Suh and Ji have various architectural experiences such as the exhibition at the Children’s Museum in the War Memorial of Korea, and the Seoul Animation Center. How did they conceive their creative direction for OOZOORO 1216?

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